Gum disease is a serious oral health issue that can cause major problems in your mouth and throughout the rest of your body. Without treatment, periodontal disease can create deep pockets in your gums, destroy the tissues and fibers that hold your teeth into place, and eventually cause you to lose one or more of your teeth. Keep reading to learn about the different types of gum disease so you can get the necessary periodontal treatment in Naples:
Gingivitis is the initial stage of gum disease and it occurs when there is a buildup of plaque and bacteria at the gum line. Although most people do not experience any discomfort if they have gum disease, they often have swollen, red gums that might start to bleed easily. Poor oral hygiene, diabetes and systemic diseases, smoking, hormonal changes, and certain medications can all increase a person’s risk for gingivitis. If you notice that your gums look red or swollen, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. When caught early, gingivitis is completely reversible.
If you do not get treatment for your gingivitis, it might turn into periodontitis. This condition occurs when the plaque can travel beneath the gum line. The plaque and bacteria create toxins that irritate your gums. When your immune system notices this issue, it will create a chronic inflammatory response to try to get rid of it. Unfortunately, this puts the bones and tissues in your gums at risk. The chronic inflammatory response will eventually destroy these bones and tissues, which causes the gums to move away from the teeth. These newly formed deep pockets create even more places where plaque and bacteria can develop. Working closely with your dentist helps you prevent periodontitis from getting any worse.
Advanced Periodontitis
Without the proper treatment, periodontitis will turn into advanced periodontitis. During this aggressive stage, the bones and fibers that support the teeth are completely destroyed. This will cause the teeth to shift out of place. In extreme cases, they completely fall out. Schedule regular appointments with your dentist to avoid this issue.
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(239) 263-6003
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