If you have missing or damaged teeth, worry no more. Dental implants are an effective solution to missing or damaged teeth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root replacement that provides a strong foundation for permanent or removable customized teeth.
Dental implants have three parts: abutment, restoration, and the post. The post replaces the tooth root and is screwed into the jawbone. The abutment attaches to the post, whereas the restoration is the customized crown that fixes on top. Learn more about dental implants below.
Reasons for Dental ImplantsDental implants are ideal for different teeth situations. However, there are limited circumstances where receiving a dental implant is the proper remedy for your teeth issues.
To Prevent Bone LossAtrophy is a degenerative condition characterized by the loss of bones in an injured area. Your jawbone can weaken if it remains without teeth for an extended period due to atrophy. If the bone loss occurs in your jaws, your facial structure changes, making you appear older than you ought to be.
For Convenience and ComfortA dental implant attaches to the jaw, and the jawbone grows, holding it firmly in place. Therefore, a dental implant permanently fits with other pre-existing teeth without adhesive materials. Besides, dental implants save you from the discomfort and inconvenience of tending to dentures.
To Prevent DiseasesIf you have dentures, they sit directly on your gums. Whenever you use the dentures, friction is a common occurrence between the gums and the dentures. Prolonged friction between the gums and the dentures results in mouth ulcers, patches, and halitosis. You can eliminate such complications by having dental implants.
To Reinvent and Preserve Your LooksDental implants last a lifetime. Also, dental implants last much longer than dental bridges. One of the typical functions of a dental implant is restoring your smile and improving the quality of your smile. Should you require a permanent remedy for your damaged or missing teeth, consider getting a dental implant.
When to Consider Dental ImplantsDental patients consider implants for various reasons. Replacing missing or damaged teeth will save you from jawbone disintegration and shifting of surrounding teeth. Shifting of teeth alters the alignment of your bite and leads to other tooth-related complications. Learn when to consider dental implants:
- Observable evidence of jawbone weakening that gives your facials a sunken-in appearance
- Following a severe dental ordeal such as loss of an entire tooth
- Dentures are no longer wearable because of their side effects
- Fixed bridge solution inflicts discomfort and deterioration to the jawbone beneath the missing tooth
- Severe tooth damage beyond the scope of dental filling
- Jawbone deterioration leading to a sunken-in facial appearance
You should know that any dental patient waiting to receive a bridge or dentures qualifies for a dental implant.
How to Prepare for Dental ImplantsDental implants might require more than one surgical procedure. Therefore, you must have undertaken a thorough evaluation in preparation for the dental implant.
Undertake a comprehensive dental examination. Take dental X-rays and 3D images as part of a dental exam. Dental X-rays and 3D images will help to make models of your teeth and jaw.
Share with your doctor all medical conditions and medications administered to you. You should include over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Should you have orthopedic implants or critical heart conditions, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics pre-surgery to prevent infection.
Have a treatment plan tailored to your situation. A tailored treatment plan takes into account factors that are relevant during dental implant. Such factors include the number of teeth to be replaced, the health condition of your jawbone, and the pre-existing teeth.
If you are looking to replace missing or damaged teeth, please consider dental implants for replacement. For best dental implant services, make
Bradley Piotrowski, DDS, MSD, LLC
your only stop.